Record Information
Creation Date2019-07-14 16:55:27 UTC
Last Updated2019-10-01 21:42:16 UTC
CypComp IDCC02497
Compound Information
Structure ImageMcyuuutuaagoot gfccvegcsa n
PubChem ID38989112
CypCompound Information
SetCypBoM Testing Set
Bonds of Metabolism (BoMs)
  • Not Available
  • Not Available
  • Not Available
  • <19,18;Cleavage;R1>
  • <19,H;Oxidation;R1>
  • Not Available
  • Not Available
  • <19,18;Cleavage;R1>
  • <19,H;Oxidation;R1>
  • Not Available
  • <19,18;Cleavage;R1>
  • <19,H;Oxidation;R1>
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  2. Rendic S: Summary of information on human CYP enzymes: human P450 metabolism data. Drug Metab Rev. 2002 Feb-May;34(1-2):83-448. doi: 10.1081/DMR-120001392. [PubMed:11996015 ]
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